Within the realm of Mathematics and Computing, my research delves into intriguing domains such as Theory of Computation, Mathematical Logic, Uncertainty Quantification, Generalized Classical Set theories and Machine Learning. I explore the practical applications of these theories in Data-Dimensionality Reduction, Rule Induction, and Missing Data Imputation. I am collaborating with Prof. Srikanta Bedathur, HOD, SIT, IIT Delhi.
I earned my Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from DST-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University under the guidance of Prof. Tanmoy Som, IIT BHU. .
For a comprehensive overview of my academic journey, you can peruse my curriculum vitae available here. If you share an interest in the realms of research I explore and wish to explore collaboration opportunities, feel free to connect with me at shivanithakur030@gmail.com or drssingh@cse.iitd.ac.in.